Choc & Cheese Wholesale Info

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Looking For Some Amazing Artisan Desserts?

Are you looking for the most amazing handmade artisan desserts to add to your menu or shop range?

Then there has never been a better time to get in touch.

Since 2022 Choc & Cheese have been supplying to fantastic pubs, restaurants and Deli’s throughout East Yorkshire, delivering them a fresh supply of our desserts every week and if amazing desserts aren’t a good enough reason to get in touch then maybe these are:-

Reason 1

Choc & Cheese offer a wide selection of desserts including both baked and set cheesecakes, fudge cakes, cheesecake pies & tarts, brownies and more, and if you are looking for something that’s not on our product list or even completely bespoke to your business, then thats an option too.

Reason 2

All our desserts are made and delivered to you fresh guaranteeing top quality products at their very best.

Reason 3

I love supporting other businesses including my wholesalers so you will get shout outs on my socials and recognition on my website so people know that you have Choc&Cheese Desserts.

Reason 4

Competitive prices ensure that you make money whilst also having amazing desserts to offer your customers.

Reason 5

Free delivery (throughout East Yorkshire) and no minimum order and delivery days that suit your business giving you the best of everything.

Reason 6

It’s not just me that thinks Choc & Cheese desserts are amazing, my other wholesalers do too as you’ll see from the testimonials below. As do our customers who keep coming back again and again.

I’d love to work with you and have you as part of my growing wholesale family so please do fill out the form below and let’s start that conversation.

Testimonials Incoming …

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